I think 2024 was a tremendous success for me by any stretch of the imagination. I competed in seven in person races, two of which were sprint triathalons, and one was a four mile race in July... In Florida... Every part of my body was sweating, but I finished strong. I ran ten virtual 5k's last year. Finally, I ran two 5k's in December alone, and I even squeezed one in on New Years Day, and set my current PR for a 5k time in one of those (33:26 and 10:45 pace). I find it somewhat ironic that although the spin bike was the push to get me back in shape, the accomplishments I am most proud of don't relate to cycling. Of course I have cycling accomplishments too, I rode 6249 miles last year, which ended up being 104% of my final goal. Yes, I know I said 7000 when I set my goals in January, but that ended up being unrealistic as I still have to balance other demands on my time. And last, but certainly not least, I kept my weight where I want it to be. Even after 2 weeks of family time up in VA, and eating lots of holiday food, I didn't go over my "max" weight.
With all that, there were some things I didn't accomplish that I wanted to, I didn't get every month's Apple fitness challenge, Septembers challenge was practicallyimpossible with an event in the middle of it. Could I have done it? Yes, but I didn't want to overtrain and wear myself out for the triathalon. I missed a gold in a few challenges, but I can live with that because some of that was me, some was bad teammates. I know Merinda think's I'm inflexible, but that's not quite true. Life happens and we adapt and move on. I just try my best to make sure I stay on track and to not let my fitness slip.
That's a perfect segue into talking about December. As a reminder, here were my goals:
- Maintain weight
- Ride 550 miles
- Try to run weekly
- Two 5k events. 12/14 and 12/28
- December Apple challenge
- Continue weight training
- Continue bootcamp workouts.
- Perfect Month in Apple
- Gold in my December challenge
- All the bonuses in #mc47 and start #mc48
- Scuba Certification
- 2-4 Rowing workounts
- Swim 1000 yards twice this month
Weight Results:
- Starting Weight: 213.10
- Ending Weight: 218.70
Exercise info:
- Number of rides: 88
- Time on exercise: 53:36:15
- Distance on rides: 500.33
- Number of runs: 9
- Distance running: 12.02mi
- Number of walks: 5
- Time walking: 2:41:06
- Distance walking: 7.35mi
- Number of rows: 0
- Time rowing: 0
- Number of swims: 0
- Distance swimming: 0
- Weight Workouts: 2 dedicated, plenty of I&A and bootcamps.
This was a great month. I every goal, with the exception of the cycling distance which I probably could have hit, except I took a mini bike break when I was up in VA. I enjoyed using the treadmill, and since I ran two 5ks in December, and one NYD, I'll give myself a pass. Other than that I exceeded my goals for the month even factoring in travel and holidays. No, I didn't get my optional goals, but c'est la vie. My bike is broken so I will be rowing frequently until it's replaced. It's still not my favorite workout, but it is effective, and will keep me able to run longer.
So... What to expect for 2025? I want to maintain and increase my overall fitness and improve performance on events. The question is, how to do that. Let's start with these goals:
- Maintain Weight
- Ride 6500 miles
- Perfect Year of Apple move rings
- Every Apple Monthly exercise goal
- Perfect year of closing my rings
- Complete two or more triathalons. I'd like one to be olympic distance if I can get to 10k distances.
- Run at least one 10k
- Get my 5k pace under 10 minutes.
I believe all of these are possible, albeit challenging, but what is life without challenges eh? The first five, with the exception of the Apple monthly goals, should be straightforward. Yes, it's 250 miles more than this year, but if ride 550 miles/month for every month, except for January, I'll hit 6500. I can dial this back as the year goes, but even if I have a slow start I'd like to do better than 2024.
The remaining three are where it's going to get harder. At a minimum I'd like to do both the Dunedin and Tarpon Springs triathalons. If Tyler walks in May I will miss Dunedin because it's the same weekend, but I can find something else. Tarpon is the question mark. It has an Olympic distance, which would be my preferred race, but the 10k is the question. I'm confident in both swim and cycling and it remains to be seen if I can run 10k's regularly. I didn't mention it here, but I really want to run the Miami half-marathon in either 2026 or 2027, and that's dependent on my being able to run futher. As to running faster? That just takes practice, so I'll need to run more than last year. I'll need to shave almost 2 minutes off my 5k time to get there, but I think that's within reach.
With that, what do I have planned for January?
- Maintain weight
- Ride 400 miles
- Weekly runs once my hamstring heals.
- January Apple challenge
- Continue weight training
- Continue bootcamp workouts.
- Perfect Month in Apple
- Gold in my January challenge
- All the bonuses in #mc48 and start #mc49
- Stretch... stretch... and stretch....
- Row
- Scuba Certification
- Swim 1000 yards twice this month
So... I'll share that I am not going to get all the bonuses in #MC48. I didn't get the I&A workouts in. I thought I'd cycle more up in VA, but I didn't and I was behind when it started. I'll get back at it for MC49. Other than that I think I can hit this. I did pull my hamstring on New Years, so I won't be running until it feels right, but I am walking on it and I hope to be able to run by next week. Obviously with a broken bike I can't ride. so if it's not replaced before we leave for vacation I'll have to dial the mileage back. I will be using the bikes on the boat, so I should get some distance there and I think I'll use the rowing distance as an alternative the same way it's calculated for the distance challenge.
I won't get certified this month, but I would like to start, and I should start swimming soon. Most likely after vacation.
That's enough, was a great 2024 and looking forward to bigger and better things in 2025! Talk soon.
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