I'm not usually into numerology, but I saw that I hit workout number 2222 today. When I looked at all the metrics I had the following numbers:
- 1789 - First US presidential election and the French Revolution
- 232
- 123
- 66
- 12
- and as mentioned 2222
I'm not usually into numerology, but I saw that I hit workout number 2222 today. When I looked at all the metrics I had the following numbers:
First off, I ran on Wednesday night. My time was awful, but made it through 5k, so that's a start... I have a few weeks until the first race, March 8th in case anyone was curious, and being able to run a 5k despite taking six weeks off was reassuring. Yes, my legs have been sore since, so I have become re-acquainted with my massage gun. I'm probably going to run at least once or twice a week until the event, or I get closer to my December times, whichever comes first. I'll keep you updated.
With that said, if you don't want to hear about my opinion on the US and only care about fitness, stop reading now. If you post something hateful you will be banned. I am a US citizen, pay more than my share of taxes, yeah I pay a higher percentage of my income in taxes than Musk, and I'm allowed to express my opinion on *my* blog. If you don't like it? Tough...
I don't understand how people can look at what's going on in the US right now and not feel concerned. The administration has launched an attack on; The Press and now the courts. All led by the President and the wealthiest man in the world.
I have to wonder why, and the only answer I can come back with is Power. That's what it's all about.
Now before anyone accuses me of TDS, or some other made up illness, grow up. I know the government is bloated, I worked in the DC area for a long time, and I've been involved in politics for almost 40 years. I went to a presidential inaguration, Republican mind you, before I could vote, so I'm not just a mindless drone, but let me ask you this. Do you really believe the richest man in the world is doing all this out of some random altruisim, or is there something else?
I don't care who you voted for, but if you think that we should impeach sitting federal judges, for simply interpreting the law in a way you don't agree with, you should really ask yourself if you want a democracy, or an autocracy. Judges interpret the laws. Elections don't determine how laws are interpreted, nor do they allow them to be ignored. If the laws need changing we have a mechanism for that, but you don't get to pick and choose what parts of the constitution you follow, or perhaps your beloved 2a should be set on fire. Remember the FIRST amendment says the government can't restrict your speech. It comes before the second amendment because people smarter than us wrote these documents. Think about that the next time the President kicks the someone out of the oval office because they don't say "Gulf of America". Like it or not, that is unconstitutional.
Did the judge do something unethical? Like gut the agency investigating your company? No? Hmmm...
Yes, Trump won, god help us, but he did, but that doesn't make him all-powerful. Nor does it make his sidekick all-powerful, well not yet, but if they succeed in crushing the judiciary AND the press we're fucked...
Hope it was all worth it to those of you who voted for him, because the numbers don't add up, and something doesn't smell right.
And for what it's worth, I hope I'm wrong.
The good part of having the better part of a month off from heavy exercise, is getting a chance for some R&R on my legs etc... Yeah I was expecting to be running, but the hammy pull stopped that dead in it's tracks.
What's been tough is getting back into the swing of things. It's been challenging to get up early, I guess I got used to sleeping in a little bit, and I just haven't had the drive to push myself the way I did before the holiday. Maybe I'm asking a bit much since I just got the bike a week ago, but I've also completely skipped any running and I desperately need to start that.
I'm thinking about a run tonight, so I will keep y'all updated...
My "reward" for finishing second on my team in sales is to get double the quota as other people, sadly I wasn't the only person given this, and the same payout(s).
So... Work twice as hard for the same, or probably less, money. They must be taking lessons from elmo... I don't want to find a new job, but it looks like I'm going to have to consider it.
You know I'd forgotten how much it absolutely sucks to get up in the morning. I've had about six weeks of getting up at a more leisurely pace and hitting the snooze button, or not even setting an alarm.
That ended today.
No, I didn't get up at o'dark hundred, but I did have to get up on time for my class, and while the class was great, I struggled to get up, but glad I did and it ended up being a great start to my day.
Otherwise, the new bike arrived at lunchtime yesterday and so far I love it. It felt like a year since I'd taken a spin class, but got right back into it last night and managed to finish 6th in class despite being in z5 for 40% of the class.
I've also started filling up my race schedule. I have four 5k's scheduled so I can start getting ready for the Dunedin triathalon.
Fun times ahead!
And just like that it's February. I'm actually glad because the past six weeks have been a little crazy between Christmas in Virginia, driving up and back and then going on the cruise. We kind of lucked out a little bit because Merinda's friend Jackie was pretty sick and unable to visit and go on the cruise. Now don't take that as a "we didn't want her to visit, because we did" rather as a "we got a chance to catch our breath" instead. I caught a cold on the cruise, after all it's not a cruise if I don't get sick, and I hate having company when I'm sick.
In terms of fitness, not much changed... I ended up not running all of January and still don't have a replacement bike from Echelon. I had planned to run today, but went for a 35 mile ride outside yesterday, so I'll be walking tonight instead and my new bike is due to arrive tomorrow. Yes, it was six weeks, but due to travel I lost over three weeks due to travel. It really was just bad luck on the timing. C'est la vie, and I think I needed a little break. I ran a lot of 5k's in the Thanksgiving > New Years window, and had been riding like a fiend for the challenge, and it just reminded me that I need to do more recovery and less intense workouts.
So with that, let's talk about what I did during January, as a reminder here were my goals: