Thursday, December 12, 2024

It's an anniversary of sorts

Two years ago today I started my fitness journey.  I don't feel like it's been two years, but sometimes longer, and sometimes shorter.  I don't know how to describe that.   I guess it's because time goes faster, or appears to go faster, as we age.

This morning I weighed 216.6 pounds, which is right in line with my average for the year.  I have a race coming up on Saturday, so I'd like to be a little lighter by then because it's easier on my knees, but I'm very pleased with how I've maintained my weight this year.

I've already exceeded my mileage target for this year, despite missing my monthly goal a few times, and I expect to beat my monthly target.

I've completed two sprint triathalons this year, a number of 5k's and one four mile run.  Far more than I imagined I would when I first thought about trying to run again and I have two more 5k's to run this month.

If you've been reading this you should know I am a fan of Echelon and what it's done for me.  I was in dreadfully bad shape when I started and in poor health.  I don't believe it's hyperbolic to say it played a huge part in saving my life.  I was morbidly obese and on a number of meds.  I struggled to walk and stand for more than 20-30 minutes, and I believe I was going to end up in a mobility scooter and probably destined for a heart attack.  Is it possible that still might happen?   Of course it is, but I'm going to do my damnest to make sure it doesn't.  

Let me finish by saying that it's not always rainbows and unicorns.  I get sore, my joints ache, and I still struggle with poor eating habits, carbohydrates are my kryptonite, but I promise you that if you work hard and are disciplined you will improve your health and overall fitness.

With that, looking forward to an even better year ahead...  

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