Good to be back. I was going to post mid-month but changed my mind. Overall, I had a good month and I'm satisfied with my progress despite a few setbacks, namely minor surgery, a new scale and a light gout flare-up.
Here are the goals I set for March:
- Weigh 275 or less
- Ride 300 miles
- Complete a 45 minute spin class. Ideally I'd like to complete a 60 minute class but we'll see how that goes.
- Do 100% of all standing activities in classes for the month
- Walk 15 miles
- Add swimming in for some cross training. Our pool is still too cold, and the aquatic center is closed, but I might see about swimming in Clearwater
March Results:
- Starting weight: 290.2
- Ending weight: 278.3
- Net loss: (11.9)
- Total loss: (46.7)
Exercise info:
- Number of rides: 64
- Time on rides: 21h 6m
- Distance ridden: 355.4
- Number of walks: 9
- Time walking: 5h 13m
- Distance walking: 15.2
All in all I had a good month. I hit all my exercise goals, with the exception of adding in swimming but the doctor said I couldn't submerge my arm after the surgery, which eliminated half the month, so I'll take a pass on that one. I've started taking regular 75 minute fusion classes, which add in weight training, which are both tough and rewarding. I had a top 5 finish and a couple that were just outside top 10. I'm definitely getting stronger and faster in the classes and can do things like accelerate into the 80's when I'm standing which I couldn't do before.
I'm disappointed that I missed my weight goal but I'm sure if I had used the same scale for the rest of the month I'd have hit it. I changed it this week and I'm already back to where I was on Sunday. I also occasionally need to skip some standing parts of classes. I'm not happy about it, but I think I'm 90 maybe 95% there and I'd rather finish the class than completely bonk and get a DNF on the class, which I was worried about last Sunday. Regardless, I'm goign to continue to work on this.
April Goals:
What do I want to accomplish in April? I'm going to set my cycling goal lower because I'm going to a work conference next week and will miss a few days on the bike. I'll be walking daily, but missing 4-5 days on the bike, including a Sunday, will make 300 miles almost impossible if I schedule in some rest days. I'veincreased my walking goal by 10 miles this month to accomodate for it.
- Weigh 265 or less
- Ride 270 miles
- Walk 25 miles
- Complete 4 live 75 minute Sunday fusion workouts
- Perfect month in Apple health
- Have one swimming workout
Final Thoughts:
I know I set another month of aggressive goals. I did schedule a few days off the bike even with missing a week. We all need rest days and I can use those for other activities like swimming and longer walks or even to catch up if need be. Surprisingly I found that I like to get up early and work out in the morning. That seems to set my day up nicely so I'm going to continue scheduling morning live classes. I won't lie, I love shoutouts and got two this morning :) and it's nice to compete with people who are live too.
Have a great weekend and if I don't post by then, Happy Easter.
Talk soon... Cheers!