Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's been a little while

Lots going on, not much writing though...

First, although I believe what the NSA is doing is unconstitutional, I have no sympathy for Edward Snowden.  He apparently planned to work for the NSA in order to expose secret programs.  That, my idealistic friend, is espionage, and as such you are screwed.

Second, if you thought what you were doing is correct, why would you travel to China, Russia, then plan to go to Cuba and Venezuela?  Hell the only places left to go are Iran and North Korea.  If you believe you're acting as a patriot you don't go to those countries for safety.

Sad to say I do not believe he acted out of idealism or patriotism, I believe he acted out of a desire to be famous.  Otherwise give the story to the New York Times, or Washington Post under a pseudonym and let the papers protect you which they have proven they will.  I doubt even the NSA would take on the first amendment.

On a different note, It's coming up on 6 months since I started back at the gym.  I've been going up and down on motivation.  Don't get me wrong I can count on one hand the number of times I've skipped going to the gym, but I'm ready to be done with dieting...  It's just a drag at times.  What keeps me going is that I have a whole closet of clothing that fits again (with a few exceptions), and I've lost most of the weight I want to.

Just need to keep myself going for another month or 2.... Then figure out how to maintain, which is something I've never been good at.

Last thing, I've decided to fix the motorcycle.  I really wanted a new one, that wouldn't require as much maintenance, but that would have meant spending money I don't think would be appropriate.  So much to my surprise I've learned all about carburetors.   Barring an idle issue, it's mostly running.  I know what I have to do, I just don't want to.  I really need to disassemble them and do a chem dip on all four. I was hoping to put that off until the fall/spring, but we'll see how it goes.  The bike runs fine, but won't hold its idle without the choke.  The reason I wanted to wait for the full rebuild was I want to ride it through the summer and get used to riding again and then tear them down, get a jet kit, advance the ignition and possibly swap out the cams.

Of course the other option is to buy a set of rebuilt ones with a jet kit installed.  I still need to sync them in that case. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Step parents

I want to apologize to my step mother today. Yes I know it's Father's Day, and sadly Connie passed away almost 18 months ago, but maybe she will see this. 

See I've come to the realization that being a step parent is akin to getting a bucket of warm spit as a gift.  There is precious little of the joy of parenting but all of the headaches. Nobody ever calls you mom or dad, you're lucky if they even acknowledge you, that is until they need something.  Hell, you're even lucky if you get to have input on any major decisions.

Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change my life. I love my wife, and I do love the kids, but It doesn't change the fact that I'm reminded of how shitty it is to be a stepfather on Father's Day. 

And happy Father's Day dad. I love you!

Friday, June 7, 2013


I've long assumed that the US Government has the ability to look inside AES encryption, and has backdoors built into every domestically produced piece of software, but I would have never expected something like Prism (if you believe it's true and I do).   I suppose I should have but I still held onto that shred of optimism that we still follow the laws of our country.

I've lost it all now.  What a fool I am.

The sad part is my wife is a UK national.  My three stepsons are all UK nationals and I'm sure all of us are under surveillance by the US government now.  After all, it only takes 51%.

We've enriched those tech companies that took part.  Google (I'm writing this on a google product and using their browser), Microsoft, Apple (using a macbook pro) etc... so that they can turn around and sell our information to the government because we might be a threat.

If my family is considered a threat to national security the US is in a whole lot of trouble.