Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My bucket list

Over this past weekend a few of us were talking about getting older, and while I'm not *that* old, I'm certainly not a kid anymore.  This, plus a commercial of all things, got me thinking about the things I want to do before I do die.  So without further comments here's the beginning of it:

  • See the Himalayas in person.
  • Take Merinda to Florence and Venice Italy
  • Catch a falcon
  • Skydive (this might be the last thing I do)
  • Go scuba diving
  • Go to Hawaii
  • Go to Paris
  • Go to Normandy
  • Ski Tuckermans Ravine

Friday, May 24, 2013

Just appalling...

Earlier this week two men attacked and killed a British soldier with knives in broad daylight on a busy street in England.  That in and of itself is appalling enough.  I'm shocked that nobody would bother to interfere or even try to help.

What I find even more appalling is both were saying things like "allahu akbar" and yet this attack isn't "about islam".

Unfortunately it is about Islam.

Every time someone commits an act of terror in the name of Islam it's about Islam.  I don't care if they are "mis-interpreting" the Koran.  There are enough passages in it to allow for this interpretation.

The crusades were about Christianity.  So was the inquisition.  Nobody disputes it.  They are facts.  They are horrible parts of western history.

It's time we stopped giving Islam a pass.  Own up to the faults of the religion and adapt to the modern world.